Sunday, December 9, 2007

Everytime I didn't say, I love you, I lied II

I stumble over the loose carpet outside of the theater bathroom. I turn around and look back to see what exactly caused my trip and to make sure no one noticed what a clumsy fool I am. Still moving forward with my eyes peering behind me, I bump into the girl of my dreams.

I'm sorry, I blatantly lie to her (for of course I would want to touch her elegant body!), I didn't mean to bump into you. However, I enjoy your company, girl of my dreams, and I would like to know if you want to join me to a feature film of your choice?

She looks me up and down and replies, Oh, don't worry about touching me. I'm used to it. My strong and handsome man touches me often. We are dating, you see, and he drives expensive vehicles and smokes quality cigarettes. I am going to see my favorite movie with him.

I look again at the movie stub in my hand and then fixate my eyes onto the ground as to prevent future stumbling. I toss my cheap cigarettes into a nearby trash can and begin to cry.
By Calvin

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